Monday, October 31, 2011

Friends, please keep MY family in prayer as my grandmother just passed. She's finally at rest. Thanks.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

1st the Texas Rangers lose the World Series. NOW the DalLAST Cowboys. It SUCKS to be a Texan right about NOW!
It's time for those DalLAST cowBOYS to start playing like MEN. #BrokeBackMountainCowboys
BREAKING NEWS: Tom Landry has been summoned from the grave to coach the DalLAST Cowboys ONE MORE TIME! Let's go Tom!!!!
Well, it looks the DAL-LAST Cowgirls are still on their (LOSING) streak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #ROFLMBO
#NP - "Out The Box" by Tonex. THIS is an INCREDIBLY UBER-talented brother. #PrayForHim
The Mother's Board is about to do a praise dance. Ya'll pray for them. Let's go!!!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

I'd love to be in St. Louis next week as the city celebrates the World Series win & the COGIC has their 104th Holy Convocation.
Lord today!!!! One of the saints just brought me some homemade Pear Cobbler. I'm sitting in my office right now eating it.

Friday, October 28, 2011

WHAT SAY YOU? Do you feel the Halloween, Holy-Ween, Harvest events many churches are having this weekend are relevant or effective?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

When your desire is congruent with God's plan for you, you CAN'T lose. Change your desires and your life will change! Let's go!
TESTIMONY TIME: I left some cake at the church last night. I just called and its STILL there. God STILL answers prayer.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

At the church house! #LoveTheLord #LoveTheSaints
If someone tells you, you can't do something, you say, "Yes, I can. 'Cause I'm doing it right now!" - Barry in "Dinner For Schmucks."
Don't give of yourself (time, talent & treasure) recklessly. You must give in the right order.
Don't give of yourself (time, talent & treasure) carelessly. You must give in the right place.
Don't give of yourself (time, talent & treasure) haphazardly. You must give at the right time.
There is NO excuse why you can't be great. NONE. Let's go!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Today is National Greasy Foods Day. Govern yourself accordingly. #HungryTweet
WHAT SAY YOU? Is using birth control (of an kind) a sin for a Christian?
Good morning folks. It's another day to get it in, get er done, & give God glory. Let's go!

Monday, October 24, 2011

#NW - "Rush Hour 3" starring Chris Tucker & Jackie Chan.
Just saw a woman who says her nickname is, "Sweet Sticky Thing." #iCant #iWont #iDead
I wanna know WHAT school YOU matriculated through that you would ask me, "Now how do you spell Carpenter?"
Why do so many people ask me how to spell my last name? (Carpenter) #REALLY?!
Lift those hands and tell the Lord, "Thank ya." Let's go! #ChurchPhrases

Sunday, October 23, 2011

#NW - "Wedding Crashers" on #TNT. One of my favorite movies.
REAL worship is to your spirit as GOOD eating habits are to your body. #LIFESOURCE
REAL worship is not just a Sunday morning appointment, but should be a lifestyle of every believer.
Your private worship will manifest in your daily walk publicly.
You don't have to wait until you get to church to worship HIM. Let's go!
THIS is THE day. Maximize it. Let's go!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

is singing the old hymn,"If Jesus Goes With Me I'll Go, Anywhere."
Well since the rapture didn't come I guess I'll go ahead and go to the church house. Let's go!
I don't even like telling someone I'll do something and then can't. Rev. Dr. Harold Camping, YOU ARE the weakest link. Goodbye!
I woke up this morning and realized, I missed the rapture. Who else is left behind? Let me hear you holla!!!! lol

Friday, October 21, 2011

The rapture can't come today because I haven't met Oprah, Halle, Janet & LisaRae. #OkBye
Wait, the rapture can't come today. There are too many women in Houston trying to get loosed.
Will the NBA start the season after the rapture today?
Will the Dallast Cowboys finally have a winning team again after the rapture today?
Will that ONE pastor finally be out of the news after the rapture today?
Will we still have Pastor's Appreciation this month after the rapture?
Will the church still need the building fund after the rapture today?
Will they still serve communion after the rapture today?
Will the collection agencies still call tomorrow after the rapture?
Pastors, there's a clause in your contract that says if the rapture comes & you aren't caught up, YOU'RE FIRED! #GoodBye
For those of you in financial ruins, today's rapture might be your way out of debt.
For those getting ready for the rapture today, please note that weaves, lace-front wigs & toupees wont survive the flight. #GoNatural
For those of you getting ready for the rapture today, please make sure you've showered. You can't go to heaven smelling like outside.
Happy Friday! For those of you getting ready for the rapture today, leave me access to your essentials. You can't take them anyway.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Couldn't make it to "Woman Thou Art Loosed" at Lakewood Church? Here's the link===>
The Real Reasons Why MEN Disappear from @eharmony #10 - It allows us to maintain the illusion that we're a nice person
The Real Reasons Why MEN Disappear from @eharmony #9- We're leaving because we're scared of how great you are
The Real Reasons Why MEN Disappear from @eharmony #8- We have a misguided notion about the modern age of dating
The Real Reasons Why MEN Disappear from @eharmony #7- Because we know you've heard, "It's not you, it's me" a million times
The Real Reasons Why MEN Disappear from @eharmony #6- The reason is too embarrassing and we're bad liars
The Real Reasons Why MEN Disappear from @eharmony #5- We don't want to destroy you with a personality critique
The Real Reasons Why MEN Disappear from @eharmony #4- Two dates isn't a relationship
The Real Reasons Why MEN Disappear from @eharmony #3- We've (not me) been leading you on
The Real Reasons Why MEN Disappear from @eharmony #2- She's seems slightly unhinged (crazy)
The Real Reasons Why MEN Disappear from @eharmony #1- We're emotional midgets
8 Real Reasons Why Women Disappear from @eharmony #8- The bad date
8 Real Reasons Why Women Disappear from @eharmony #7- She can't deal with confrontation
8 Real Reasons Why Women Disappear from @eharmony #6- He won't take it well
8 Real Reasons Why Women Disappear from @eharmony #5- Because he won't get it
8 Real Reasons Why Women Disappear from @eharmony #4- He's boring
8 Real Reasons Why Women Disappear from @eharmony #3- She's afraid he'll ask why
8 Real Reasons Why Women Disappear from @eharmony #2- The Space Invader (He invaded her space)
8 Real Reasons Why Women Disappear from @eharmony #1- She met someone better
The presence of adversity validates your mission. Let's go!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

We must become more sensitive and discerning to those who reach out to us that don't look and act like us.
Your issues from your childhood WILL manifest as an adult if left unresolved.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

TWO Are Better Than ONE - Motivational Minute #1002

WHAT SAY YOU? How many of you are considering voting for Herman Cain for President?
Don't depart until you impart. - Perry Stone (In other words leave a legacy for the generations after you.)
What an incredibly productive day I had. Sometimes you have to push through the pain and produce.
OMG! I just read about (NOT watched) 14 yo Amber Cole. FYI- Watching/sharing the video IS CHILD PORNOGRAPHY & punishable by law.
"With God there is no in between. You either are or you're not." - A friend on the phone just now.

Monday, October 17, 2011

I love when serendipity & God's divine providence collide. Its an explosion & implosion of gargantuan proportions. #winning
God is up to something good!
Tell yourself, "I won't be DISARMED by my DISTRACTIONS anymore!"
Have you seen the Capital One spot with Jimmy Fallon "making it rain?" It's hilarious!!!
If fear is the fuel of your expectations, you'll arrive at a destination called failure.
The world is waiting on YOU to do what you do best. What are YOU waiting on? Let's go!!!!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I get joy when I think about what He's done for me.
OMG these Carrot Cake pancakes are SO good!!!!!!!!!
Our God is an awesome God. Yes Sir!!!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Finally home sweet home.
I'm one tired preacher. Gotta stop by the repast now.
Well another one of God's special saints has been laid to rest.
I've got another fune at 4 PM. People are dying that NEVER died before...................
As good as money makes us feel when we have access to it, it STILL can't buy happiness. Can you imagine what REAL happiness is then?
Lord, I am being tickled pink by the Mother's Board Praise Dance Team rehearsal today. #iCant
When does time change? Its 6:30am and pitch black. Lol
On the road again. Loving this feeling. Let's go!!!!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

The saints need to pray for RickRoss who just had 2 seizures today. God can heal, deliver & set him free tonight! #PrayForRickRoss
I could have sworn I just saw Casey Anthony in Bonefish Grill just now. Lol
If you don't go THROUGH anything you won't make it ANYWHERE. Let's go!
Man I'm enjoying myself on this Friday. Whoo weeeee!!!!
Take the MESS you've allowed to fulFILL you and make it your MESSAGE so others will know better.
If you need to be fulFILLED, be careful of what you allow to FILL you. What you RECEIVE you will RELEASE.
IF you're looking for someone ELSE to fulFILL you, you're EMPTY.