Tuesday, November 30, 2010

SUPPERTIME! What's for dinner? I'm doing Church's chicken. Let's go!
Anytime you give grudgingly, perfunctory & without cheer, you are missing the opportunity for a reciprocated blessing.
A lady asked me for 5 dollars for gas. I had several 20's and three 1's. I gave her 3 dollars. She got MAD at me!
When I took control of the circumstances, in less than 24 hours everything worked in my favor.
Thanks for your prayers. The Pastor that had a heart attack while preaching Sunday has been sent home!
Don't allow your circumstances to control you. YOU control your circumstances. Let's go?

Monday, November 29, 2010

Please pray for a Pastor who suffered a heart attack while preaching yesterday. He's in stable condition.
Who's watching "Food for Thought: Conversations w/ T.I." On BET?
This Jehovah's Witness is sharing her faith to a lady pumping her gas. Would YOU share Christ in that scenario?
Its unseasonably hot in Tampa today. Good Lord!
NOTE: I loathe airport traffic. #thatisall
Alright friends, you made it through the holiday weekend. Now its time to get refocused. Let's go!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Just waking up from several long naps. Sometimes you don't realize how tires you really are. Wow.
I truly feel a sleep anointing resting on me right now. Lord help a preacher.
My enormous headache from yesterday left as soon as I got to church this morning. Thank you Jesus.
I rebuke ALL types of headaches NOW in the name of Jesus. Go!

Friday, November 26, 2010

NEW RULE: Do not send text messages when you're so tired you can't see straight. #lessonlearned
I had a great time at The Amway Center as the Orlando Magic defeated the Cleveland Cavaliers 111-100. Go #Magic!
is singing, "So glad I'm here. So glad I'm here. So glad I'm here in Jesus name." #churchboy
Wait! LeBron @KingJames James doesn't play for Cleveland anymore? I wasted my money. POW! Ha ha!
Its Orlando 62 - Cleveland 49 at halftime! Go Magic!!! #nba
I'm so far up in the Amway Center I'm about to start singing, "Going Up Yonder." POW! ORL 51-CLE 38
Somebody missed the memo that I'm afraid of heights. I'm all the way at the top of the Amway Center. Pray saints!
Well we did it. That was REALLY fun. I'm proud of the guys. Now let's watch Orlando beat Cleveland! #nba
Its time to sing the National Anthem at the Magic vs Cavaliers game. Let's go! Go to nba.com #nba
We're hanging out in the green room at the Magic vs Cavaliers game. Patrick Ewing asked to sing with us. Lol
Just finished sound-check at Magic vs. Cavaliers game. Singing National Anthem at 7pm. #nba
On the road with BBIC to sing the National Anthem at the Orlando #Magic vs Cleveland Cavaliers game. #NBA
Who's going to the Magic vs Cavaliers game tonight in Orlando? Let's meetup if you are.
If you made it through the worst, you can make it TO your best. It gets better. Let's go!
If you are out shopping or waiting outside the store to shop let me hear from you! Let's go!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm stuck watching "Beauty Shop" on Lifetime. Like the movie. Hate the network. My tv's don't even HAVE Lifetime. Smh
Is anybody watching "The Game" marathon on #BET?
BlackBerry users feel free to join in a dialog with me by adding my BBM PIN 21D0DFA4 Let's go!
is singing, "Jesus, I'll never forget what you've done for me. Jesus, I'll never forget how you set me free."
WHAT SAY YOU? Anybody have any funny Thanksgiving stories yet? Let's go!
WHAT SAY YOU? What time is Thanksgiving dinner being served at your house?
Happy Thanksgiving to you. In everything, give thanks. This is the will of God concerning YOU. Let's eat!
Cher looks absolutely stunning on "The Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno." How old is she?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Really enjoying "The O'Reilly Factor" w/ Dennis Miller tonight. Dennis is a trip.
You can't think about God and not begin to thank God for being a good God.
I was sitting by the lake earlier thinking about how good God is and began to thank God for being so good to me.
Somebody ought to lift your hands and tell God, "Thank you!" Let's go!
Get rid of the fear when walking through your valley. "Yea though I walk through the valley..." Psa 23
Just as every road ends at a destination, every trial ends with a blessing. Keep going.
There's a mountaintop experience awaiting you if you walk through the valley. Let's go!
The lessons learned in the wilderness will lead you to your promised land.
Don't curse your wilderness experience. There's a blessing on the other side.
Be thankful for your wilderness experience. It will lead you to your promised land. Let's go!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

REVIEW: When people attempt to remind you what you were, you tell them, "But this is who I AM." Let's go!
REVIEW: When people come to you with negativity and mess tell them, "Get thee hence!" Let's go! (Matt 4:10)
Join me @ 8pmEST "Confronting and Conquering Defeat-Driven Familiar Spirits. Csll 218-862-6400 code 3219829.
If they exited stage left during your mess, they don't get to RSVP to your success. (Thanks Dionne Shannette)
Anybody else marrying my Jesus today? Singing, "He'll be a husband for the husband-less. He'll be a midnight...nevermind!" #Oprah
There is an assignment given to you by God that only YOU can complete. Let's go!
You can't complete your assignment if you don't begin your assignment. Let's go!
There are rewards when you fulfill your assignment. Let's go!
If you're assigned to something, even the most difficult task is easy. Know where your assignment is. Let's go!
When you miss your assignment in school, what grade do you receive? When you miss your God-given assignment, what happens?
You have a responsibility to complete your assignment.
WHAT SAY YOU? Long-term or short-term, what is YOUR assignment?
ASSIGNMENT - a particular task or duty; a position of responsibility; an appointment.
This lady has let her 2 boys terrorize this McDonald's AND leave their mess on the floor & table. #fail
Good morning. What does the word 'ASSIGNMENT' mean to you? Let's talk about it. Let's go!
If you miss your assignment in school, what grade do you receive? So why aren't completing your God-given assignment?
If you're assigned somewhere, even the most difficult task is easy. Know where your assignment is.

Monday, November 22, 2010

WHAT SAY YOU? Its been said that most women 35 & under can't/don't really cook like Grandma. True? False?
"Soul Food" (movie) is on #BET right now. #classic
Chitterlings (chitlins) or Hog Maws? Let's go!
Roast turkey or Fried turkey? Which one? Let's go!
I can hardly walk back to the hotel I'm so full. That's enough until Thanksgiving. #dontjudgeme
SUPPERTIME! I'm finna tear this chinese buffet up! Ya'll better pray for the preacher. Let's go!
"It could have been me!" - Check out my video blog.

It Could Have Been Me!

"It Could Have Been Me!" Video blog coming up in a few minutes. Stay tuned.
Just heard a woman say, "A half a man is better than no man." WHAT does THAT mean? Let's chat!
Busy morning already. Wasn't I supposed to be relaxing this week? HA!
It really is a beautiful day in the neighborhood. YOU determine the significance of your day. Let's go!
Confession is good, not just for YOUR soul but for somebody else's soul. #truth

Sunday, November 21, 2010

LESSON? Connect with whom God has designed for you and not those who come lying to you. #truth #confession
"Round & round we go. Where do we end up? In a hole." Stop connecting with people that don't have God's heart. #truth
We create "Patterns Of Obvious Defeat" by repeatedly being connected to people God didn't design for us. #truth #confession
I'm trying to help somebody. If you couldn't conquer that spirit in 1 person, how can you with the next person? #truth
When you've dealt with a spirit/demon in a person, you recognize that spirit a mile away in someone else. #truth
CONFESSION: I figured out why I can't take Phaedra's foul little spirit. Same spirit as an ex of mine. Yep, I said it.
CONFESSION: I figure out why I can't take Phaedra's foul little spirit. Same spirit as an ex. Yep, I said.
In Steve Harvey's voice, "Whhhhhhho is YOU praying to saying,'Father, Mother God? Is sure aint MY Jesus!" #rhoa
I wanna say something SO bad but I KNOW somebody will get offended. Matthew 24 #rhoa
How do you PRAY over a game of Spades? You CAN'T be that DEEP! #rhoa
Dwight needs to invest in a lace front. Many men in Atlanta do. #dropsmicEstyle #rhoa
Phaedra, what did your favorite doctor say? #rhoa
NeNe could be talk in the Georgia Dome without a mic and still be heard. SMH #rhoa
NeNe, please turn your volume down. Thank you. Deaf people worldwide. #rhoa
ALERT: Somebody PLEASE call Maury so he can tell Apollo, "You are NOT the father!" #rhoa
Phaedra, your husband was not born 3 months premature weighing 8lbs. Get thee hence! #rhoa
In prayer and preparation for tonight's "The Real Housewives of Atlanta." #RHOA
LADIES: The next time a "Playa from the Himalayas" tries to holla, tell him, "Get thee hence!" Matt 4:10
The phrase of the week: "Get thee hence." In other words, kick rocks! Lol
What a spectacular day! Video blog coming tomorrow. Time to prepare for The Real Housewives of Atlanta. SMH #RHOA #prayforme
Tampa Bay 21 San Francisco 0. Let's go!
Come on Tampa Bay Buccaneers!!!
Tampa Bay or San Francisco? #NFL
The oil of the anointing is flowing in this Church's chicken. I'm about to speak in tongues.
I tried to tell Church's Chicken, "Get the hence" but it didn't work. Ha ha!
When people connect with you that don't share God's plan for your life, tell them, "Get thee hence!"
Church's chicken! #shondo #dontjudgeme
When folks come to you with mess, tell them, "Get thee hence!"

Walter Hawkins & Yvette Flunder sing Thank You

I just got my breakthrough singing, "Thank You Lord For All You've Done For Me." "It could have been me..."
I just heard in my spirit, "You've been released for restoration."
Our God is an awesome God. He reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power & love. Our God is an awesome God.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The infinite love of God cannot be truly understood by our finite minds. However our hearts experience His love daily.
Watch this: Have you ever gotten caught IN a trap and God rescued you with His love? He's a mighty God!
Have you ever had a trap set for you but God intervened and blocked it?
Stick a fork in me. I'm done! Let's go!
So the Facebook-banning Pastor had 3-somes with his wife & a male church assistant years ago. DOC?! SMH
Thank you Lord for the bountiful blessings you've placed in my life. Bless others as you have blessed me.
Me. Bed. Nap. Let's go!
It's my prayer that your day will exceed your expectations. Receive your blessings & favor today. Let's go!
What an awesome day for blessings. Receive them. Let's go!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Listening to Sade' on Pandora. Let's go! #donthate #dontjudge
If fear is the fuel of your expectations, you'll arrive at a destination called failure. Let's go!
The world is waiting on YOU to do what YOU do BEST. What are YOU waiting on? Let's go!
"Men spend special time with who they care about. They spend the other time with who they're doing."-Steve Harvey
Why is my neighbor across the street mowing his lawn after midnight? #epicfail

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Its mighty quiet in cyberspace tonight. Talk to me. Let's go!
"Give me a hard one. That's what Oscar said."-Michael Scott #theoffice #nbc LOL
Dwight is the "Hay King." Ha! #theoffice #nbc
Did Ryan get over on Michael? #TheOffice #NBC
Have you joined wuphf.com? #theoffice
Time for "The Office" on #NBC. Good times. Let's go! #theoffice
Now the courier service says delivery will be 4:30pm after saying it would be here by 1:30pm and 10:30am. SMH
Don't you hate when the courier service tracking says your delivery will be between 8am and 8pm? UGH!
Just got an email from Myspace about the site redesign. Shout out to all the Myspace users. Let's go!

'Here I Am' at MaLinda Sapp's Funeral

All well-intentioned ideas shouldn't necessarily be intentionally enforced. Let's go!
WHAT SAY YOU? A NJ Pastor demanded his staff delete Facebook accounts & asked married couples to delete their accounts. Thoughts?
Searched all over, couldn't find nobody. I looked high & low, still couldn't find nobody. Nobody greater than You.
Great is Thy faithfulness. Morning by morning new mercies I see. All I have needed Thy hand has provided.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The right desire plus opportunity equals complete contentment.
Alright friends and family, I'm good. I'm at the church with a praise. Let's go!
I thank God even for a flat tire 1 mile from the church house. It could have been worse. #shondo
On my way to the church house.
Jesus said in Luke 17:19,"Your faith has made you whole. (healed) Do I need the person or my faith to be healed?
WHAT SAY YOU? Was it "John of God's" procedure or her "FAITH to be healed" that caused her to remain healed? #OPRAH
WHAT SAY YOU? This "healer" on #Oprah says he doesn't charge for healing people because the healing power is not his.
WHAT SAY YOU? This "healer" on #Oprah has thousands of people coming for healing and he doesn't charge ANY money.
Hey everybody, Oprah's on! (Not that I'm a regular viewer. I'm just saying.) lol
I just got a call about auditioning for a movie role as a......preacher. That will be E-Z! Ha ha!
Focusing properly makes your path clearer & your destiny fulfilled. Stop looking at things that blind your path. Let's go!
To focus is, "to concentrate; put attention to." Are you focusing on people, places or things that don't matter?
GET FOCUSED so you can finish! Let's go!