Saturday, April 30, 2011

Its gonna be a Blockbuster night. What's good on DVD right now?
Its a beautiful day outside. I need to stay out here and enjoy it. Let's go!
The #BlackBerry PlayBook looks almost as nice as the #Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Jamming Kirk Franklin's latest album on the way to breakfast. #HelloFear
"Peace, peace, wonderful peace coming down from the Father above. Sweep over my spirit forever I pray in fathomless billows of love."

Friday, April 29, 2011

The sites and the sounds of the tag agency...entertaining..............cough
Lord today! I just have to renew my tags today and there are no less than 200 people in line.
is singing, "What more can He do? He laid the foundation and opened up the way..."
Man, when I tell you God is blowing my freaking mind this week, its the real deal. #winning
By & by, when the morning comes...Good morning saints and aints. How YOU doing?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thanks for the great laughs Steve Carell. #TheOffice #MichaelScott
Excellence is not a policy decision. It is a mind-set, an attitude, a way of thinking and behaving. - Anonymous
Well done is better than well said. - Ben Franklin
My supplemental tablets arrived today. I'm gonna lose these 40lbs at age 40. Who's gonna join me? Message me NOW!
"Son you can't rush God." - My Daddy a few minutes ago
Success is a journey, not destination. - Bob Richards
Efficiency is getting a job done right.Effectiveness is getting the right job done.Excellence is getting the right job done well.-Zig Ziglar
"When all means fail, love prevails."- David Wilkerson #RIP
"When all means fail, love prevails

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I was glad when they said unto me, "Come let us go into the house of the Lord."
"A man with God is always in the majority." - John Knox
Checkers/Rallys has a Strawberry Cheesecake Sundae. Satan, the Lord God rebuke you!
You should see the HUGE, GARGANTUAN smile on my face right now. #winning

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

You must put your ALL on the ALTAR in order for God to cut you. (alterations)
Its only when you die, (to self) that you really can live. (in Christ)
When you present your body as a living sacrifice, your flesh CANNOT live.
When you allow God to crucify you (flesh) you can magnify him. (to make large)
When you present your body as a living sacrifice, you place yourself on the altar to be killed. (flesh)
Go ahead and let God kill you on the altar.
Some people are SO deep until they are shallow. Touch yo neba and say, "Are you DUMB deep?"
Just heard one of the saints say, "I'm deep but I'm not DUMB deep." Look at yo neba and say, "Are you DUMB deep?" #HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
WHAT SAY YOU? Is it right/wrong for a woman to propose marriage to a man? Let's chat. Go!!!!
May peace & contentment be your portion today. Let's go!

Monday, April 25, 2011

1 1/2 hour to drive 15 miles this evening. UGH!
What an awesome feeling when you realize people can't stop you from being great.
The next time someone tells you that you can't, show them you can. Let's go!
I decree & declare EVERYTHING you're supposed to experience today will be a blessing! Let's go!
God's got a blessing with YOUR name on it!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What an incredible weekend. I'm grateful to God and ready for an even more exciting week. Let's go!
Ok, I'm done for now. Finna go to Wal-Mart. Ya'll pray for me, ya hear? Let's go!
There's a place God wants you to live called THERE. Let's go!
When you mess up with God just take you licking and get back up kicking. Let's go!
The Late Rev. Dr. Noel G. Hyatt said, "Whom the Lord loveth, He beats the hell out of him." What makes YOU so special?
Most of us chastise our children when necessary. Why don't you want God to chastise YOU? #TakeIt
Hebrews 12:8 #________________________
Stop saying you're "the head and not the tail" when you're acting like a tail. COUGH.........
If you say you trust God but really don't, does that make YOU a liar? #ITrustHim
If you say you believe in something but you don't demonstrate what you believe, does it make you a fake? #IBelieveGod
As for me and my house, WE believe God!
If you SAY, "I believe God" then you must believe God. Let's go!
Great is your mercy towards me.
1st service done. Eating breakfast at church. Preparing for 2nd service. I feel good. Let's go!
Happy Ressurection Sunday. Let's go!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

God just snuck a blessing up on me. Wow!
At the church house preparing for Resurrection Sunday services.
Shout-out to all the church folks that will shut the "All You Can Eat" places down on Easter.
Shout-out to everybody who will spend hundreds of dollars for church tomorrow and puts 50 cents in the offering.
Shout-out to the guys who will make it rain tonight and will sing, "Let It Rain" in church tomorrow.
Shout-out to the people that will leave the club and go straight to sunrise service tomorrow.
Had a GREAT breakfast this morning. Getting brakes repaired. Then on to the church house.
Its a beautiful spring day again. Let's go!

Friday, April 22, 2011

I need the saints to pray. Ive had the hiccups for 3 days. Im still gonna preach though. Let's go!
About to preach, John 19:29-30. "The Connection between Vinegar & Victory." Let's go!
FAVOR! #thatisall
Every bad thing that you experience worked out for YOUR good. Let's go! #goodfriday
Its GOOD Friday and a GREAT day for you! Let's go!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

THE OFFICE is on! #theoffice
Just saw spot advertising, "What The Fudge Brownie?" Klondike Bar. Lord Today!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

On my way to the church house.
Attending an 8-hr Resource & Planning workshop today. I love to learn. Let's go!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Im turning 40 next month. Ive committed to losing 40lbs in 120 days. You all are gonna be my coaches.
OMG! This fresh fruit salad is SO good right now. Thank you Lord.
Thanks for your prayers. Im feeling MUCH better after resting today. #Winning

Monday, April 18, 2011

Thank God the leadership meeting is adjourned. Im tired. (And hungry)
In last meeting of the day at the church. Of course, they have fried chicken. #no mas
Vegetarian Chili for lunch today. Im doing this. Lets go!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Some people are #WINNING and some are #WINING. Which are you? Good night.
Some people are #WINNING and some are #WINING. Which are you? Good night.
Hark...did the Hornets just defeat the LA LAKERS? HA!!!! By the way, what IS a Laker anyway? ROFLMBO!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Shake it up!
Shout out to all the old men at the church picnic with shorts & church shoes on....cough
Shout out to all the saints that forgot they're playing Spades at a church picnic. #ha
Shout out to all 39 year old preachers going to the church picnic to eat & play basketball today.
Shout out to all the guys who worked out this morning and took a bathroom pic.
Shout out to all the women who got their hair done last night and took a bathroom pic.
My son is a clown....just like his daddy. He has me on the floor laughing this morning. #priceless
Lawd Jesus, The GloryAires have taken me to glory tonight. What a way to end the night. SHAKE IT UP!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Teacher: Robert, where does ham come from? Me at age 5: A refrigerated truck.
In Tampa within 2 miles they have Lady Gaga and the Tea Party each having separate events. What an oxy moron. Ha!
Just recieved MY copy of "A Servant's Guide" by Kevin Bond. Order YOUR'S today. @ItsKevinBond
Having Christ on your worst day is better than not having Christ on your best day. Do you know Him?
I am SO hyper this morning. Why? Because I'm #WINNING. Let's go!
STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS. Enjoy your day. Its YOUR choice. Let's go!
I slept through The Office tonight. What did I miss?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Office. Lets go.
Leaving the church before I get volunteered for something else.
I'm STILL at the church house. VERY busy & productive day. I'm looking forward to resting some point after Easter. Let's go!
Good morning! Let's do THIS today. This is THE day the Lord has made. Let's go!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wonderful wonderful wonderful wonderful. Isn't Jesus, my Lord wonderful?
Saints, its a beautiful day in the neighbourhood. Won't you be MY neighbor? Lol
Lunch - Chicken Picatta, spring water and Gatorade. Lord today.
I'm SO hyped about what God is doing. God IS the epitome of GREATNESS!!!!
Just another day that the Lord hasssssssssss kept meeeeeee. Let's go!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Well, it looks like Sugar Ray has been knocked out one more time. Who will be next? #DWTS
I see Jennifer Hudson has on my favorite color tonight...purple. #DWTS
Philippians 3:10, "...that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings..."
Knowing Christ will fill the empty places in your life.
Knowing Christ NEVER disappoints.
The ecstasy of knowing Christ intimately far exceeds the ecstasy of physical gratification......(cough)
Knowing Christ requires more attention than your other relationships.
Knowing Christ should supercede knowing Facebook/Twitter friends.
Knowing Christ is intimate & personal 1st then demonstrated publicly.
Knowing Christ is more than a worship experience. It's a lifestyle.
Studying the subject "Knowing Christ" this week. Knowing Him takes mire than "having church."

Monday, April 11, 2011

Why did I take a 2-hour nap this evening? Looks like I'LL be up for awhile. Let's go!
Pray for Japan. They've suffered another 7.1 earthquake this morning. Also, there's another tsunami warning.
What is your expectation for today? Declare it NOW! Let's go!
What an incredibly beautiful blessed day. Let's go!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I think I will end this day with a "WOW." #speechless #smh
My expectation is to experience a move of God today. Let's go!
Anchorman is on TNT. Let's go!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I finally got a revelation on some things I asked God about. #grateful
What's a good voice recorder app in the #Android Market? #AndWEthankyou
Kick ball game over. About to nurse my scraped up knee. It was worth it hanging with the youth.
About to play kickball with the youth at the park. Let's go!
Leadership meeting went well. Now time for the youth's cantata rehearsal. Then the kickball game. #winning
On my way to a church leadership meeting then to the youth ministry kickball game. Let's go!
"All of life is about growing to your own personal best."- #Oprah
"We are more than we appear to be."-#Oprah
"Don't pretend to be what you are not."- #Oprah
"Luck is preparation meeting the moment of opportunity."-#Oprah
"There is no such thing as luck. Nothing in my life is because of luck."- #Oprah
"Whatever you do, do your best every time."- #Oprah
"We all become what we believe."-Oprah
Watching Oprah presents Master Class featuring, Oprah on #OWN.

Friday, April 8, 2011

I got to the fish fry late and ALL the fish was GONE. #UBERFAIL
You look so better when you SMILE! - Kirk Franklin
The Men's Fellowship is having a Fish Fry featuring, "Fish & Grits." I wonder if they will grill some for me? #STARVING
When I was looking for my car in the parking garage I started singing, "I'm Gonna Walk Around Heaven All Day." Lol
I just walked around the multi-level parking garage singing, "Where You At?" by Jennifer Hudson.
OMG! I'm SO embarrassed. I forgot where I parked in this parking garage. Security rode me around until I found my car. SMH
God is getting ready to blow your mind. Get ready! Get ready! Get ready! Let's go!
God really will do exceedingly abundantly above what you can ask or think. What's on YOUR mind?
Going through the pain in your process produces power. Let's go!
I just ordered MY copy of the book, "A Servant's Guide" by Kevin Bond. (@ItsKevinBond) Wanna know how to get YOUR copy?
OMG! I just got a nose FULL of Brut by Faberge. #allergies
Don't you let this day go by without YOU blessing God. Let's go!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ajonee, THE OFFICE is on! #theofffice @ajoneemiller
Pia goes home from American Idol. #AI
Hall of Fame of what? #EPICFAIL American Idol #AI
The bottom three are Jacob, Pia and Stefano. American Idol #AI
American Idol...who's going home tonight? #AI
There's nothing ordinary about an extraordinary person.
You CAN do it!
My God! Pray for Japan. Another earthquake!
Don't disqualify who or what God has qualified.
The Blood prevails.
I thank God for the blood of Jesus.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

You may not be the best, but you out do the rest just because you're faithful.
Some saints are so mellow-dramatic. God is not a drama queen. #thatisall
At the church house. Let's go!
On the phone. Wait time is less than 30 minutes. Yay!!!! Smh
I'm somewhere in my future and I look much better than I look right now. (That must REALLY be good!) Ha!
Day 6 - Breakfast - Blueberries Muffin. Lunch - Shrimp Scampi w/ Linguini (Marie Calendar)
What's in you will come out. Is ISHMAEL or JACOB inside you? Let's go! (Thanks @ItsKevinBond)
What's in you will come out. Is HUMILITYor HOSTILITY inside you? Let's go!
What's in you will come out. Is FAITH or FEAR inside you? Let's go!
What's in you will come out. Is DESTINY or DIRT inside you? Let's go!
You may not be living how you desire yet, but continue to celebrate your life. Let's go!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Good night sweetheart well its time to go. #dwts
Enjoying @RickeySmiley on #TBN right now. He's blessing me right now.
I just passed a church & bail bonds office where the apostle & bail bondsman are the same person. #__________________
Whether your healing is instantaneous or a process, you can still be healed, delivered and set free. Let's go!
"Haters are your Validation! If you have no haters, it's because you're not doing anything!" - Steve Harvey (@IAmSteveHarvey)
Day 5 - Lunch - Lean Cuisine Chicken w/ Basil Cream Sauce. Spring Water.
"The 2 greatest days in the world are the day you were born and the day you figure out why." - Steve Harvey
"Stay on Faith Street, dont get caught up on Doubt it Drive & I Ain't Worthy Way."- Steve Harvey (@IAmSteveHarvey)
"Prayer is a cold piece of work." - Steve Harvey @IAmSteveHarvey
If you didn't see TBN's "Praise The Lord," you need to view it at or at 5pm EST today.

Monday, April 4, 2011

"Prayer is a cold piece of work." - Steve Harvey @IAmSteveHarvey
Steve Harvey, Kirk Franklin, & Rickey Smiley are on #TBN now! (@IamSteveHarvey @RickeySmiley @KirkFranklin)
Stone Cold Steve Austin! #WWE
I LOVE Kirstie but how did they get more than Sugar Ray with them falling? Was Sugar Ray THAT bad? What Kirstie THAT good? #dwts
Why did this guy just give me the "once-over" while waiting in line. I'm like Hammer...can't touch this bro!
What did I hear this preacher on the radio giving the numbers for the day?
What a spectacular productive day. I'm very tired but I feel like being silly for a minute.
Day 4 - Breakfast: Cereal bar, orange juice, coffee, water. Lunch: Lean Cuisine Thai Chicken w/ rice. #Starving
Everything you need to succeed is within you. Use it. Let's go!
Today, the prophetic script in my life has come full circle. Enjoy YOUR day as I live out mine. Let's go!
Going through a test and can't hear God? Remember, the teacher never speaks during the test. Pass the test! Let's go!
God will take you out of a familiar place and bless you in a strange land.
If God forgets your sins from your past, why won't YOU let them go?
Your day is coming!
You need to keep a DATED journal of your rough season so you can look back & see the patterns of God's blessings in YOUR life.
Listen, your season of trials & pain will expire & SUDDENLY transform into a season of blessings & restoration. WAIT!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Wisdom says I can't tell it all, but I will say this: I'm literally watching God restore EVERYTHING in my life one by one. #WINNING
I just realized another one of God's promises to me from a year ago just came to its fullness. Wow.
A Christian Rap artist was selling his CD. I bought one & gave to a young man standing close by. Was I wrong?
Hustle Man is trying to sell boot-leg DVD's & CD's. People still do THAT?
At the barbershop...Yes, on a Sunday. I'm the only one here of course. Walk in. Walk out
Great time in the presence of the Lord today. Always love celebrating Holy Communion.
He's a mighty God. Let's go!
Just got off a 1hr 45m call with my daughter. I love that young lady. Guys, don't think about it or we'll have a discrepancy.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 2- At buffet I got a lot of veggies, baked chicken, biscuit, and strawberry shortcake, yeah I know....
On way to church house after long day yesterday. Lifestyle Change Day 2- Nutrigrain Bar & Vitamin Water. Let's go!
OMG! The Clark Sisters are just getting up to sing! I'm out. #finger up

Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm back in Tampa at a Midnight Musical hosted by The Clark Sisters. I hope its over by midnight. Lol
When we learn to live as ALL ONE, we can live with our spouse AS ONE.
The reason you may be ALONE is because you're not ALL ONE. Become ALL ONE and He'll send THE ONE.
When God is the ONLY ONE He'll eventually send THE ONE He kept for you.
For those in relationships: Don't let another man or woman be your God. Let God be God in YOUR life. Let's go!
Late dinner tonight. Couldn't decide. Old habits are hard to break. A Chicken Caesar Salad from Wendy's it is.
Things are starting to get interesting here in Orlando #ON THIS EVENING. Ha!!!!!!!!!!
The sights and the sounds of church folks. People, there is NOTHING LIKE IT in the world.
Afternoon snack: Baked Sweet Potato Fries & Spring Water. I missed lunch because of my meeting. Will have early well-balanced dinner.
The saints definitely are styling & profiling. Clean from head to toe. Lol
Meetings in hotels are interesting because there are other events. What's funny is when you can't tell the Saints from the aint's. LOL
Being around the saints is fun. Being around 1,000 pastors is more entertainment than Disney World down the street. Lol
On way to Orlando for meetings and then to the Pastors' Conference with all the "Docs."
Day 1 - Breakfast - Orange Juice, Oatmeal, Spring Water, & Apple. Let's go!
Good morning! No matter what happens today, choose to SMILE. Let's go!