Sunday, November 30, 2008

I feel like a convenience store on NW 79th street and 441. "Stop & Go." This traffic & weather is horrendous!! Err.
I feel like I'm a convenience store on NW 79th & 441 in Miami..."Stop & Go". This traffic & weather I'd horrendous!!!!
Is up late/early wondering & praying, praying & wondering. (just being transparent)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tomorrow will be the manifestation of my dreams of yesterday, activated by faith today! And it is so!
Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow will be the manifestation of my dreams of yesterday activated today!
the day got better but not over. Hopefully the night will end much better than it began. You think?
Have you ever had a day where NOTHING goes right? Well, today is my day!!! Errrrr! Pray my strength in the Lord! Please!!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Watch The Word Network at 11 PM EST for a special Thanksgiving Show. Check your listings or go to!
I am thankful for what God is doing in YOUR life! How do I know? Because he's done it for me!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

is thankful for all things of value being restored in his life! It's a long story and a long process. But it is priceless! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

Friday, November 21, 2008

My 12 year old son's 1st attempt of video editing. Check it out! Bless his heart! lol
Check out my blog, "I Wouldn't Stop Believing God!"

I Wouldn't Stop Believing God!

Recently, after completing a Life Coaching Seminar on Procrastination, I was challenged in more ways than one. After the

seminar, I set my bag down on a bench to assist my sound guy outside the Communications Building where the seminar was facilitated. He was struggling carrying some equipment, and rather than take the chance on it being damaged, I assisted him. When I posed the question, "Who is gonna watch my bag?", the response was, "I gotcha Pastor!" The sound guy inferred that he was watching the bag. I assumed he was getting the bag. You see where this is going right?

After taking him home and going on with the rest of my day, I assumed the bag was in the trunk of my car with some other items that are often placed there after I minister. THAT WAS NOT THE CASE. However, I did not even realize that the bag wasn't in there until the next morning on the way to church. This bag contained my laptop, calendar, Bluetooth device, sermons, billing statements, books, CD's and DVD's of some messages of mine, and so on. You can understand the seriousness of this loss.

I had to make a choice, right then and there. Would I get upset and bent out of shape? Or, would I just go on with the rest of my day in the joy of the Lord? I mean, even my printed sermon notes were in the bag. A copy was on my computer at home, but I didn't have that with me. I chose to be glad and not mad. I chose to preach without the notes. (It was a good one too!) I went on with my day. Then I went on with my week. And then I went on the next Sunday, without my laptop and bag. And then the following week.

Here's the issue. I REFUSED to buy another laptop. I refused to buy another calendar. I refused to replace anything in that bag. I refused to speak negative. I refused to even talk about to many people, because I believed that God was doing something.

When you have lost something, whether big or small, important or insignificant, a relationship or a friendship, what choices do you make? How do you respond to the loss? Do you freak out? Do you automatically concede to defeat and hopelessness? Do you have faith? Do you dispatch the angels of the Lord to find the loss item on your behalf?

The divine providence of God is so awesome that since He created the heavens and the earth, and can part the Red Sea and can go into a sick body that a doctor has said is sick unto death and literally cause the cells and body to become healed instantaneously, He can surely dispatch His angels to find and a stolen or lost bag, or whatever your loss or stolen thing is. As people of God, we must get back to believing God for miracles so we can be a demonstration of God in the earth. If God did it, back in the day, he can do it now!

What are those things that you believed God for but then stopped? What are the things in your life that have been stolen? What about the things that were lost? What about the things that you never even gave God a chance to prove himself and His goodness to you? Go back and capture those things. Go back and and begin to believe God for them that they will return or be returned. Let God exceed your expectations. God already knows the deal anyway. I guarantee you, He will blow your mind!

By the way, the bag was returned to my doorstep and placed in my hand by the person who had it with all of its contents two weeks later.

Happy Friday. Hundreds of responses to my blog. You need to check it out.
I've been up all night answering emails and updating my website. It's time to go to sleep. Oh,'s time to wake up! Happy Friday! TTYL
It's 3:38 AM. I am STILL responding to emails from my controversial blog, "I'm NOT Looking For Love!" Check it out!
The responses have been awesome. If you haven't already, read this blog, "I'm NOT Looking For Love!"

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The responses are coming! Read my controversial blog, "I'm NOT Looking For Love!"
Read my blog entitled, "I'm NOT Looking For Love!" It will bless you or provoke you.
I'm about to upset some folks with my forthcoming blog post. Stay tuned. It's gonna be HOT!

I'm NOT Looking For Love

It's a cool, brisk Thursday afternoon in South Florida. I am preparing to drive back to Orlando tonight. I am scheduled to fly into COLD Buffalo, NY tomorrow morning. I am just getting on the other side of a cold that I have been fighting all week. So, we will see what happens with that.

As many of you know, in addition to being a Senior Pastor, I am also a Web/Media Consultant, Motivational Speaker, and Coach. I LOVE what I do. I love meeting people. I love helping people. When you really think about it, all of what I do is ministry. Ministry means to serve. A minister is a servant. I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ and I wake up EVERY morning ready to serve Him and people. There is nothing like knowing what your calling in life is. Finding your calling in is causes you to become fulfilled in life. Finding your calling is also creates revenue for you. But what is so wonderful is that, when you are living what you were created to do, you would do it whether you make an income or not!

Now, that we have that out of the way. One of the ways I do what I do is through the internet. In addition to pastoring a "traditional brick and mortar" church, I also am an Online Pastor. Now that term somewhat evolved ove the last 14 years of being online. YES, fourteen years. I have been online back in the days of Prodigy and America Online dial-up where it literally took almost five minutes to logon. Every since then people from all over the globe have reached out to me for prayer and advice spiritually. Even to this day, bewteen my personal website and my social networking profiles, I have, at any given time, as many as 10,000 friends that have access to me. Trust me, sometimes it seems as if they all are emailing me at the same time. But, it's not a problem. i answer ALL my emails personally. Sometimes it takes awhile, but I get through them!

Throughout the last fourteen years off "online ministry" I have met some awesome people. I have met people of all races, nationalities and religious beliefs. There are some sincerely wonderful people in the world! I cannot begin to tell you how fulfilling it is just meet many of you. To some I hvae become an online pastor. To some I have become a friend; a coach; a counselor; and a mentor.

However, there are some that would like to become their daddy...or a combination of all of the above. Yes, it is true. I'm not exactly sure why, but that's besides the point.

Let me be clear, I am NOT online looking for love. I am on here to provide my personal and ministry resources to you that are reading this. If I want to look for love I would put a profile on or (Both of which I have had a profile on. OK, shoot the preacher for being real! They both are really great sites for meeting people.)

So, to all the single ladies out there...I don't mind you emailing me. I don't mind you reaching out to me. But if you are reaching out to me because you want me to be your man...WRONG ANSWER! If you want to be friends, with no motives, WONDERFUL! If you try to run me down, you are gonna run me over because I'm not moving. The buck stops here!

The Bible says, "He that finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains FAVOR from the Lord." A few years ago, I went through a divorce. It was a horrible experience. And, I messed up. It was primarily MY FAULT. (There I go being real again!) I am not going to make the same mistakes again. So I am going to make sure that whenever the Lord allows me to find HER...and she already knows who she is, I will obtain the favor of the Lord again in my life. Until such time that God does whatever He is going to do, stop trying to run me down ladies. It's a turn off! Chivalry is not dead. Ladies, stop telling me that God said I am to be your husband. If that is true, don't you think that God, in His omnicience and omnipotence, would whisper that to me as well? Hmmm. If you have to tell me I'm your husband...something is eerily wrong.

Now, I will probably lose many friends on my social networking sites. I will probably get many emails in response to this. I will probably have just as many questions too. Whatever. I've gotten it off my chest now. Like the old song says, "I feel better, so much better, since I laid my burdens down! Glory, Glory, Hallelujah, since I laid my burdens down!"

One more thing...

I am not referring to any one person in particular. But if you are offended and this "hits" you, I declare I didn't mean to miss you!

Have a wonderful day.

Pastor Robert L. Carpenter, II
YOUR Online Pastor & Personal Motivator

This is the day that the Lord has made, but it seems like the day that people have bad attitudes! I need to blog. Pray my strength!
This is the day that the Lord has made. But Jesus it seems like this is the day that people have bad attitudes! I need to blog at the park today! Pray my strength!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Now it's time to say good-bye to all my company. Good night everybody!
The epitome of religious ignorance & intolerance. Enough said. Click link.
About to eat & take meds. I think I can be over this cold/flu by morning. Gotta get to Buffalo! Thanks for the prayers!
Feeling alot better. There's nothing like prayer, Theraflu, honey/lemon tea, vitamin C and rest. But the main two were REST and PRAYER!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

at the office. Staying away from everyone. Just took TheraFlu Warming Relief. Hope it works. I feel horrible!
has the worse sore throat ever! Headache. Earache. Feels like? Sounds like? Answer:________

Monday, November 17, 2008

What an incredible weekend! It had high's and low's. Looking forward to the rest of week.Stuart, Palm Beach, Orlando, Buffalo. My, My My!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Long day. Engine trouble on plane. Missed flight in Atlanta to 'bama. Back in Orlando! Err! :-(

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I made it to Orlando! Should I sleep? My flight to Alabama leaves at 5:45? Hmmmmm.
stuck in traffic heading into Orlando! It's 1:30 am and my flight leaves at 5:45 am. I'm tired!!!! Errr.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Got iPhone charger! Be back in action soon. On way to service, then to Birmingham, AL at 5:45 AM. Then back to Orlando Sat night!
I lost the charger to my iPhone! Battery dead. No emails. No Twitter. No Facebook. No Myspace. No phone calls. How can a man survive?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

About to leave office. Don't forget to watch The Word Network tonight at 11 PM for my client's show. You WILL BE blessed!
Allow yourself to be God can maximize who you are for His glory!
Lunch was GREAT! I'm gonna have to work it off tonight at Planet Fitness. Watch The Word Network tonight at 11 PM EST.
Just got out of production meeting. About to eat lunch...Pigeon peas & Rice with Fried Talapia. Yeah, I know. But, it's so good!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What a beautiful day it is! On my way into the office. Then back to workout later this evening! Weight Training tonight!
on way to gym. Slept like a baby after workout. Dreading when the soreness kicks in!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Looking forward to working out at Planet Fitness tonight. I'm on a mission! Watch out now! lol
Turn out the lights...The party's over for the day! Until tomorrow...Good night everybody!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Just signed up at Planet Fitness. Start in the AM. Any sites I can find a good workout regimen w/ Cardio and Weight Training? Let me know.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'm tired today. But today is Organization Day! Emails, CPU files, office, notes, calendar, and mind. Should be fun!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Watch The Word Network tonight at 11 PM EST for my client's new show, "Prophetic Times & Seasons with Bishop Harold Calvin Ray."
YEAH! Finished taping client's shows for November. Premieres tonight at 11 PM EST on The Word Network.
It's a great day! Watch Bishop Harold Calvin Ray's new show on The Word Network tonight at 11 PM EST!
It's great day! Watch Bishop Harold Calvin Ray's new show on The Word Network tonight at 11 PM EST!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

in awe right now about the historic & prophetic significance of President-elect Barack Obama. Will blog later at WOW!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Very excited about today's election. I voted absentee three weeks ago because of schedule. PLEASE vote today! It's a privilege!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Church today! (of course!) Think about this..."We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."-Aristotle

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Good day so far. Got rest. Ran errands. About to go and do something fun. Any suggestions? Until tomorrow...PEACE!
It's raining HARD! I am going to rest, then go back to meeting deadlines. I LOVE what I do!